A Journey Unfurled
In the depths of darkest nights, dreams soar high,
Through trials and tears, they still defy,
A flame within the soul, a sacred spark,
Pursuing dreams, even when shadows mark.
In the labyrinth of doubt and despair,
The heart yearns for dreams beyond compare,
Yet the path is strewn with stones and fears,
Still, we press on despite the falling tears.
Oh, dreams, elusive, ethereal and grand,
We reach for you with trembling hand,
Through storms that rage and winds that howl,
We chase you, dreams, with every ounce of soul.
When the world seems cold, indifferent, and rough,
Our spirit remains resilient and tough,
For dreams are the compass, our guiding light,
Leading us forward through the darkest night.
In the face of failure, we rise again,
Brushing off defeat like drops of rain,
For dreams don’t wilt when faced with defeat,
They bloom anew, each time we hit the street.
Though obstacles may tower, unyielding, tall,
We’ll keep pushing, breaking through the wall,
For dreams don’t heed the skeptic’s scorn,
They soar like eagles, over mountains worn.
No matter how hard the journey may seem,
We’ll chase our dreams, like a flowing stream,
For in the pursuit, we find our worth,
A treasure discovered, within our birth.
So, let the world call us foolish and mad,
We’ll smile and say, “Our dreams aren’t a fad,”
For in the pursuit of dreams untamed,
We find our purpose, forever unashamed.
With each step, we’re closer to the stars,
Guided by dreams, we break the bars,
With unwavering faith, and courage renewed,
Pursuing our dreams, we’ll make them come true.
By: Vyomi Shah